Einherjar Chronicles Wikia

The type of Terrain often influences you ability to hit and dodge the enemy as well as how you can approach them.  Master the Terrain and you will be one step closer to mastering the battlefield.

The Lake terrain is impassable to normal units but you can go through it if you have the Flying skill.

Terrain Name Moving Cost Bonus to Tech Bonus to Agi
Grass 5 0 0
Stone Pavement 5 0 0
Steps/Ladders 5 0 0
Stone Bridge 5 5 -5
Wooden Bridge 5 5 -5
Plains 5 5 5
Rocks 5 5 5
Mountain 6 0 10
Wasteland 5 10 10
Snowland 10 -20 -15
Desert 10 -15 -20
Lake Impassable 15 30
Lava Impassable 15 30
Rainbow 5 0 0