Einherjar Chronicles Wikia

The giant Thiazzi

Under the command of Idunn, you move to attack Thyrmheim. Upon entry, you find signs of Sigmund's assault.

The giant Thiazzi
Encounters Drops
Boss - The Giant Thiazzi 1800 Gold
Golem x 2 silver ore 1~2
Centaurus x 2 steel
Gargoyle x 2 aquamarine
Cockatrice x 2

Note* Youthful Idunn is an ally in this battle.

Ally Stats
Youthful Idunn 15

Enemy Stats
Gargoyle 15

Golem 15

Centaurus 15

Cockatrice 15

The giant Thiazzi 20

Battle Remarks[]

At this point in the game you will need to have good skills on your units. It's still not too late to begin doing that. The important skills to have to pass this dungeon are those that 'counter':
